Tips No One Tells You
These are tips that I have learned on my baking journey. I do not know why these tips work, but they do!
Melted butter makes cookies cook flatter. If you use room-temperature butter and mix it in, the cookie will cook thicker.
If you put bread in the cookie container, it keeps the cookies soft.
Make sure you spray your muffin pan with pan (or something similar) before putting in the muffin liners, so you can get the muffin out of the pan after baking.
To check and see if a scone, muffin, bread, or any other baked goods like that, is done you poke a skew (toothpick or butter knife also works) and if comes out of the baked good without any residue, then the treat is done baking.
When checking to see if a baked good is done, poke the middle one in the pan. (If that one is done, then all the others are done as well)
When baking bread, always fill the bread pan two-thirds full. This gives the bread room to expand.
When baking pie crust parchment paper down and roll the dough on it. It makes for an easy transfer to the pie pan by lifting the parchment paper and flipping it over the pan.
If making a pie crust or something similar, put flour on the parchment paper or counter that you are rolling the dough on. Also put flour on the rolling pin. This helps with making sure the dough doesn’t stick.
If you do not have a rolling pin (like me!) just use a long round object. I used a spray avocado oil can and it worked perfectly!
When baking pie make sure you have holes in the top of the crust. Either through a pie crust design or by poking holes with a fork.
Always put you pie pan onto a baking sheet before going into the oven. This gives you more balance and makes you less likely to drop or spill the pie.